mbodyit promotes an individual's happiness, vitality and wellness habits. It does this by drawing an individual's awareness to their psychological, physical, social and intentional habits and then by guiding them through a personalized system of goals. Using an integrative approach these goals span each dimension of a Human Being: Intention, Nourishment, Movement, Restoration, Mindfulness and Community.


Intention is the daily practice of consciously engaging constructive belief systems that affirm specific positive purposes in life.


Nourishment is the dimension of food choices with emphasis on conscious savoring of a variety of nutrient dense foods daily.


Movement is the dimension of physical activity that is appropriate for the individual, blending endurance, strengthening, flexibility and balance.


Restoration is the dimension of many rejuvenation practices including appropriate sleep and detoxification.


Mindfulness supports stress reduction through the process of relaxation via meditation, cognitive resiliency and the cultivation of flow experiences.


Community is the social component of this formula, supporting an individual in a way that is appropriate with their personality profile.